Avoid Overwhelm & Try The Brain Dump Method

As business owners, the to-do list is literally never-ending. We have so much on our plates, sometimes we don’t even know where to begin. This brain dump worksheet will help to organize your thoughts throughout the day.

Have you ever had a huge list of to-do items you needed to tackle that day, only to look up at the clock and realize the day is almost over?

This has happened to me more times than I can count! In fact, it happened to me today, which is what inspired me to hop in your inbox and share a little secret…

Here it is... it's ok to not get everything done.

As business owners, our to-do lists will always be never-ending, and that's a fact but what makes it worse is when we become hard on ourselves.

It's ok to set high expectations, standards, and goals for yourself and your business but it's not ok to stress about it when we don't get it all done.

Sometimes we have good days and bad, so how do we recover from those bad days?


Try to reach a calm state and let go of the day knowing that tomorrow is a new day.


Have a plan for tomorrow.

Wake up at a certain time, grab your beverage of choice, download my free Brain Dump Worksheet and begin these steps:

  1. BRAIN DUMP - take about 5-10 minutes to write down whatever comes to your mind. It can be laundry, responding to client emails, feeding the dog, workout, client projects, etc.

  2. PRIORITIZE - go through your brain dump and start with the important stuff first at the top.

  3. SCHEDULE - If you have a dual monitor like me, I like to have my schedule for the day right next to me all on one screen so I can see where I am at in the day. I block off time for the day on my calendar with breaks in between.

  4. DO NOT DISTURB - When I start a project, I tell myself I have an hour to get this done and I not only turn on "do not disturb" but also turn on "tunnel vision mode" where I get my tunes, hunker down at my desk and heavily focus on each task one at a time.

I know what it feels like to have so much on your plate, the overwhelm will kick in and you don't even know where to begin. Start by being kind to yourself, knowing you're not alone and make a plan for tomorrow.

P.S. I'm always here if you have any questions or are curious to learn more about brand design, feel free to email me and ask away!


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