The Secret to Drawing Perfectly Proportionate Pictures
Art Tips & Tricks Kiki B. Art Tips & Tricks Kiki B.

The Secret to Drawing Perfectly Proportionate Pictures

If you've never been properly trained in drawing or painting, this little trick is great to use if you're just starting out and would like to improve your drawing skills.

Are you curious to know what all the great artist's used when they first started drawing?

Ladies and Gents! Let me introduce you to the grid systemmmmmm! 

This system can be used for 40-foot murals or even 8-inch little watercolor paintings. Even famous painter Chuck Close uses this technique when creating his elaborately beautiful paintings. 

What is the grid system you may ask!? I've broken it down step by step below and also included this video tutorial.

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My 12 Years in the Creative Industry: What I've Learned And How You Can Avoid My Mistakes
Business, Design, Life Kiki B. Business, Design, Life Kiki B.

My 12 Years in the Creative Industry: What I've Learned And How You Can Avoid My Mistakes

My 12 Years In The Creative Industry: What I’ve Learned And How You Can Avoid My Mistakes

I’m sure you’ve been in the same situation as I have multiple times. You've made a mistake, or said the wrong thing at the wrong time, not realizing until 20 eyeballs are looking in your direction with all sorts of thoughts floating through everyone's head.

This post reflects on my years in the creative industry, my lessons learned, and advice on how to avoid my mistakes.

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5 Steps to Creating a Great Original Design
Design Kiki B. Design Kiki B.

5 Steps to Creating a Great Original Design

As creatives, our minds spin and spin and go in all sorts of directions trying to search for an original idea. It's easy to feel stuck on a project or feel as if you've completely lost your mojo. This post, 5 Steps to Creating a Great Original Design, helps you to get out of your comfort zone, become inspired and kick but on your next project.

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YOUR DAILY HABITS: How To Re-Wire Your Brain and Grow Your Business
Life, Business Kiki B. Life, Business Kiki B.

YOUR DAILY HABITS: How To Re-Wire Your Brain and Grow Your Business

Understanding your daily habits as a business owner is crucial. Are there certain habits you can kick to the curb and replace with more efficient habits?

This post helps you to understand the 3-Part "habit loop". In which your brain recognizes habit "triggers", the trigger then sparks the action so that you can receive a "reward".

Let's re-wire your brain so that you can make more time to grow your business!

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8 Characteristics Every Successful Brand Must Have
Branding Kiki B. Branding Kiki B.

8 Characteristics Every Successful Brand Must Have

Everything we touch and see is a brand. That's why it's so important that your brand stands out! Your brand needs to become memorable and a part of people's lives.

8 Characteristics Every Successful Brand Must Have talks about some of the fundamental components to your brand and helps you dive deep into the nitty gritty of what can make your brand fantastic!

Followed with a FREE 28-page workbook, EyeSavvy is here to help you fine-comb your vision and help you become more successful :)

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Blogging Kiki B. Blogging Kiki B.


A Promise to My Readers - The Start Of My Design Blog.

This post talks about the EyeSavvy blog and makes a promise/intention to give it's readers all the information they need to be successful in their small businesses and careers. This post is full of fun gifs and is an introduction to many awesome future EyeSavvy Posts.

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